Saturday, July 25, 2009

NEO Trip to Fort Rapids Water Park Information!!!!

Dear NEO Guatemalan Adoptive Families,

This next year we have planned a lot of wonderful, fun events for your families to participate in if you choose to do so. It’s wonderful to see how our group has grown over the past three years. Our children are growing and some of our families have grown as well!

I wanted to inform you of our First Annual NEO Guatemalan Adoptive Families trip to Fort Rapids Water Park in Columbus, Ohio. This event will take place on the weekend of February 5-7th, 2010. I am so excited about this!! I have been working closely with the Manager of this water park to ensure a great time for all families that want to attend. So here is the information:

Location: Fort Rapids Water Park
4560 Hilton Corporate Dr.
Columbus, OH 43232

Date: February 5-7, 2010

Cost: The resort has offered us a discounted rate of $159 a night and this rate includes 4 water park passes that are good for TWO days. Additional water park tickets would be $21.95 per person, regardless of age and this, too, is a discounted rate. However, we have several families that will have extra tickets because they are a family of three. These extra tickets will be dispersed to families with more then 4 people. This discounted rate is for a 2 QUEEN-SIZED BED HOTEL ROOM.

Families can choose to stay one night or two nights depending on what works best for your family. All families who choose to attend the event are required to at least spend Saturday Night at the resort.

At this time, we need to have a TENTATIVE number of families who want to attend no later then AUGUST 28, 2009. This early deadline is to ensure that we are able to reserve an adequate number of rooms and was set by the resort, not by me. Please know that you can choose to reserve a room and change your mind at a later date. Cancellations are accepted 72 hours prior to check-in.

Once I have a tentative number of families, the resort will then proceed with blocking off a section of rooms for our group. At that time, they will send me the information that YOU will need in order to call and reserve your room. There will be a special code that you will use when you call in. Once again, rooms can always be canceled up to 72 hours before check-in, so please, even if you are still unsure, reserve a room so that if you want to come you are able to.J

We are working on some fun things to do on this trip and as soon as those details are finalized they will be sent to the people attending. Some of the things include a trip to COSI on Sunday and a Valentine’s Day exchange for the kids Saturday evening. We will also have a group dinner on Saturday. It’s sure to be a wonderful time and I am looking forward to spending some time with all of you and your children!

Please e-mail me if you would like to attend this trip and let me know if you have any questions at all! Please keep in mind the deadline to let me know your intentions, even if you are unsure, is AUGUST 28, 2009. I will see some of you in a few weeks at the Summer Picnic!

Mindy Ousley
NEO Guatemalan Adoptive Families

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